8th November 2023

Only pay when you earn

One of the major advantages of the BIG TOM Franchise over other driving school franchises is that with us, you only pay when you earn. Read […]
30th October 2023

See Tom giving driving training

If you are considering becoming a driving instructor but don’t really know what to expect, then this blog is for you. The owner of the franchise, […]
25th October 2023

Huge increase in standards check recalls

The percentage of driving instructors who are being recalled for Standards Checks has leaped since the start of the TIP initiative where the regulator is monitoring […]
6th September 2023

Reflections of a driving instructor Pt 2 Ep 5 UK Road Safety Data 2023

    Reflections of a driving instructor Pt 2  Ep 5 UK Road Safety Data 2023   In this episode I am going to pick out […]
5th September 2023

Reflections of a driving instructor Pt 2 Ep 4 Bread and butter work

Reflections of a driving instructor Pt 2  Ep 4 Bread and butter work  How happy is your average driving instructor these days? If you consider how […]
2nd September 2023

Reflections of a driving instructor Pt 2 Ep 3 The End Goal

Reflections of a driving instructor Pt2  Ep 3 The end goal    When we consider what the end goal is in a training programme, we can […]
28th August 2023

Reflections of a driving instructor Pt2 Ep 2 How we learn

  Reflections of a driving instructor Pt 2: Ep 2 How we learn    You might say that the importance of how people learn is equally […]
5th August 2023

Reflections of a driving instructor Pt 2 Ep 1 The Dream

Reflections of a driving instructor part 2 Ep 1 The Dream    The dream is to run your own driving school business. The subject may have […]
1st August 2023

Reflections of a driving instructor Part 2 Introduction

  Reflections of a driving instructor – Part 2    Introduction    A very warm welcome to readers or if you prefer, audio listeners, for this […]
4th July 2023

BIG TOM Franchise Overview

Click HERE to view our Franchise Presentation – 04/07/2023
29th December 2023

Achieving more in 2024

With 2023 closing on us and the prospect of a new year ahead with all the opportunities it brings, now is the time to be considering […]
11th December 2023

Why have the national driving test pass rates not gone up

In August 2021 the DVSA CEO announced that the regulator has been monitoring what happens on driving tests for the previous 12 months and will continue […]
10th December 2023

Teaching methods

One aspect of driving training that BIG TOM has always avoided is the goal of teaching a pupil to pass the driving test rather than increase […]
10th December 2023

Running a better driving school business

In this video the owner of the BIG TOM Franchise discusses some of the learning difficulties that crop up with providing different types of driving training […]