Measuring driving performance
3rd July 2021
Creating successful outcomes
14th July 2021

Wellness driving instructor training with BIG TOM

The continued support for our franchisees is not limited to the scope of running a successful business. It includes looking after your mental health too.

Here at BIG TOM, we recognise the escalated risk that our unique work can bring to feelings of satisfaction, positivity, security, mindfulness and anxiety. And we offer guidance of spotting troubling signs that might otherwise go unchecked. We can give our franchisees practical support in managing anxiety in the workplace brought on by a range of triggers such as:

lack of physical exercise
managing pupils’ expectations
organising well-timed test dates aligned to pupil ability
creating a training programme with integrity that withstands a range of pupil competence and confidence
maintaining a safe, stress-free working environment
creating trust and respect with customer relationships
managing Standards Checks to prevent pressure

poor diet due to work schedule
minimising customer complaints by providing clear communications (verbal and non-verbal)
managing work time to sustain health and happiness

Trust us to help you

When you start a new career, a new business, you need all the support you can get.  We have the experience to help you succeed.

Positive mental health

The assistance offered demonstrates our commitment to providing a franchise that delivers on quality and professionalism and leads the way in the industry for acknowledging the challenges that driving instructors face in their day to day work.