Expanding your driving school business | Big Tom Driver Instructor Training

Expanding your driving school business

The BIG TOM franchise offers instructors the opportunity to join a successful driving school with tried and tested teaching methods that have been crafted for over 10 years and utilised to date across the East of England. 


It has accumulated over the years a raft of customer reviews who have taken the time and trouble, at no personal gain, to explain the reasons why BIG TOM created value for them. These reviews are authentic, detailed, personal to the reviewer and entirely voluntary. More latterly reviews have been collected using the reputable customer review platform of TrustPilot. The provider informs us that our current score of 4.6 is significantly higher than the average “driving school” score at 4.1 * 


The opportunity is unique in that it involves the expansion of a premium driving training service across the UK for intensive driving courses. There are limitless providers of mediocre training for customers seeking an accelerated learning programme but there are not many that create a bespoke training programme suited to individual customer’s needs. One of the key values of the service provided is that it is individualised and has integrity. Both of these values rely on a high standard of driving instructor skills and first-class centralised support to back that up. The systems in place have been created, monitored and refined over several years. It is the higher level of customer service that is the output of these processes that sets BIG TOM apart from the rest. It is also how you can very easily exceed 50k of earnings for your driving school business. 


We do not paper sift applications on ADI grade or experience levels, our concern is more about the skills that you can demonstrate you have, and you are willing to learn. As is the case with our learner pupils’ driving ability, it will be the skills that our instructors possess that help our customers develop competence and confidence. An effective working relationship is not created by chance, it is the delivery of premium training courses within a safe, respectful environment that creates consistency. 

If you want to be part of our expansion, call us on 01928 508 833 and ask to speak to Tom 


*Correct at time of writing 20/05/2023  

Unintentional bias
19th May 2023
Booking your introductory session
24th May 2023