Driving instructor qualification rates UK to June 2021
24th September 2021
Training hours to suit your needs
28th September 2021

Creating better pass rates

If you’re interested in a new career as a driving instructor, I imagine you’ve seen the latest pass rates for the qualifying tests across the UK?

The question is, why are those pass rates so low?  Do they threaten your new driving school business?

Well, now might be the time to spare a thought for the learner drivers who you will be teaching. The national pass rates for their driving test is also low at around 50%.  And yet, demand is extreme.

You might understand why the Part 3 instructional test has a lower pass rate than a driving test (approx 30%), but why do learner drivers have no better chance of passing the driving test than a flip of the coin?  Well, we are working to help pupils to learn – it is incredibly interesting, complex and stimulating work.  It will keep your mind active.

The fact of the matter is that various factors affect successful outcomes on tests; here are a few:

The quality of the training personnel
The level of preparation for the test
Obstacles to learning
The effort levels of the pupil
Ability to perform on test
The internal and external factors that influence the attitude to learning
How motivated the pupil is
How the examiner conducts the test
The quality of the training resources
How confident the pupil feels
The beliefs about the required learning
The frequency, duration and timing on the days of practice
The effectiveness of the working relationship between pupil and trainer

There will undoubtedly be more, but it gives you some idea of the spectrum of factors that affect outcomes.

How many of these factors are being actively monitored for efficiency? How many of them are even being discussed?  The BIG TOM franchise has techniques that actively address these points.

If you don’t measure something, you have no idea of the impact it has on events. This is why people get frustrated and lose faith in themselves. It is vital to understand what is affecting performance, so that your business is aligned to your customer’s expectations, and creates successful outcomes.  You will be trained to learn new skills to help your customers to achieve their goal.  It makes you feel proud to create success and it is good for business.

Some of the traits required for effective learning include: focus, perseverance, reflection, confidence, grit, adapting to learn, time management, communication, encouragement, engagement, and just to emphasise the point, focus.  So we have a range of resources available for you, to support your business which in turn, supports your customers.

Learning is effortful.  But we make learning easier – we help you, to help your pupil.

Now you start to see why UK pass rates are so low?

Join the BIG TOM franchise: CALL 07498 337 629