Happy 2023!
31st December 2022
Driving Instructor Skills
12th January 2023

Driving School Franchise Success

A must-see video introducing the BIG TOM Driving School Franchise for 2023 by owner, Tom Ingram.


All figures quotes are sourced from the DVSA “INS0101”

Driving instructors on register up to June 2022 38,842

In 2011/12 the figure was 46,569 so there has been a 17% reduction in registered driving instructors despite a year on year addition of new instructors of on average, 2125.  So over the last 10 years, over 21,000 new ADI’s registering with the DVSA as qualified, yet the total number is continuing to decline.

Watch this video to discover why this is occurring and how BIG TOM Driving School Franchise creates successful outcomes for independent driving instructors and their driving schools.

For more information about the Franchise, contact us on recruit@bigtom.org.uk