Premium driving training
29th May 2024
Responding to emergency vehicles
8th June 2024

Carefully guiding customers

Being a responsible training provider sometimes involves guiding a potential customer to make an informed decision that may not necessarily equate to a “sale” because the correct solution or package for the customer is more important than simply the “sale”. It’s about treating customers how you would like to be treated yourself. Any franchisee with BIG TOM can be reassured in knowing that the customers that have been placed in their diary have received honest, unbiased guidance to help them make the right decision. Here is just one example of a written communication from earlier this week. The parent concerned had already indicated prior to receiving this communication that they want to make a booking – parents can often see the value in the service that we provide but importantly, what I am referring to below, is what is actually needed for the son/daughter rather than the parent. No franchisee of BIG TOM would be happy thinking that customers are corralled into booking an intensive course if it later turns out that the pupil was not suited to that way of learning. This is why BIG TOM Admin over the years has refined our “pre-booking” systems so that as best as we can, we ensure customers know what they are purchasing and know that there are other choices about how to learn to drive. It is this integrity that enables franchisees to join us with confidence that they are part of a trustworthy organisation.















If you would like to find out more about how BIG TOM responsibly goes about our business with integrity, call now on 01928 508 833.